Rollback Champions

Dillon Garthwaite
Dodgeville, WI (Edgewood College Commit)
After receiving his Rollback Championship plaque from Shot Perfect on November 30th, 2021(above),
Dillon led the 2021-2022 Dodgers to their first perfect conference record in 17 years.
He finished the season atop the team in points, free throw percentage, free throws made,
free throws attempted, rebounds, assists, and steals.
Dillon will be continuing his basketball career at Edgewood College in Madison, Wisconsin. Congratulations, Dillon!
Rollback is a game that is taught to participants
who attend any of the Shot Perfect camps. It is a game
that forces each player to utilize what he/she has learned
about shooting and, at the same time, make adjustments
to his/her shot from one free throw to the next.
At the end of each camp, the participants compete to
determine who is the camp's Rollback Champion. At the
Advanced Camp at the end of the year, the
Rollback Champions from that year's camps compete for
the "Best of the Best" Rollback Championship.